Monday, January 18, 2010

How to cure rabbit diarrhea and constipation.?

I cannot stress enough that pineapple juice will cure diarrhea and even constipation in rabbits. My rabbit doesn't like pineapple juice but loves banannas, so I would just put some juice on top of a couple of slices of bananna and within a week or so he was more sticky bum. And he's so happy too! (I hope my experience helps other bunnies!)How to cure rabbit diarrhea and constipation.?
One thing that many rabbit breeders use for dirreaha is Oatmeal, beilieve or not it works!How to cure rabbit diarrhea and constipation.?
Someone I know told me that a vet told him to give the bunny pineapple but I heard from a vet that it is very bad to do. Don't know by my own experience, only that if bunny is not pooping, must go to the vet asap to get something to make him poop. A slowed or stopped digestion is dangerous. As for the diarrhea, make sure you are giving a proper diet, not too much lettuce, no celery and fruits are only treats and should be given only in very small portions and only once in a while. Rabbits are delicate, I would consult a vet if the digestion doesn't correct within a day.
Rolled Oats/Old Fashioned Oatmeal and Timothy Hay are the best treatments for diarrhea in rabbits. Also when a rabbit has diarrhea you shouldn't be giving it any sort of treats like fruits or veggies.

Pineapple juice is good for wool block and constipation not diarrhea.
skip the fruits and feed the rabbit only fresh leafy greens. sweets can cause diabetes and the first sign is diarrhea. provide lotsa water and timothy hay daily.
Pepto bismol

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