Friday, January 22, 2010

How do I know if my guinea pig and new rabbit are getting along?

yesterday i got a male toy bunny, i already had my guinea pig for a while.

how do i know if they are getting alongHow do I know if my guinea pig and new rabbit are getting along?
Some of the most obvious reasons why guinea pigs and rabbits can't be put together:

- If the rabbit kicks the guinea pig it could result in the pig dying a slow and painful death...

- They have different diets, completely: the rabbit would die of vitamin C toxicity. The guinea pig would die of vitamin C deficiency...

...They have completely different needs...How do I know if my guinea pig and new rabbit are getting along?
You should not put a rabbit and guinea pig together. Rabbits are carriers of Bordetella, which is fatal to guinea pigs.

Rabbits are also very territorial and can injure or kill your piggie.

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You can't put a bunny and guinea pig together. The result is.... well one will die because of stress or because its has been murdered.
if you see them together!!!! good luck!!!

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