Saturday, January 16, 2010

My rabbit seems nervous when relaxed is he just conflicted?

Sometimes when my rabbit is stretching out on the floor or sitting in my lap he starts breathing heavy and vibrating a little. It seems to me like this should be a sign that he's nervous, but he only seems to do it when he's in a pose that gives the impression he's feeling pretty relaxed. Am I just misinterpreting his body language, or is he just conflicted about relaxation, or does he have like breathing problem? Thanks.My rabbit seems nervous when relaxed is he just conflicted?
He's probably just hot. My rabbits always pant and kinda shake when they are really hot. Try spraying them with a little mist of water or get their ears wet, I've always find that that helps. But of course, never pass up the vet, they can tell you more. Also recently I've noticed my rabbit doing this when he get's sad. He just lost his mate so he's very depressed. It looks almost as if he's crying. But I doubt yours is doing that. See if he's hot, if the cool down techniques don't work then take him to the vet.My rabbit seems nervous when relaxed is he just conflicted?

Im not a vet, but when in doubt take to the vet. Rabbits often hide illnesses, so the sooner you catch it the better.

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