Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can an outdoor rabbit and kitten become friends?

I have an outdoor male rabbit who is 3 and i have a 6 month old male kitten, i now have a problem as the rabbit always had free run of the garden most of the day when im at home, but now the kitten wants to be out most of the day and the rabbit digs himself out of the run the i purchased. The rabbit seems keen to be friends but the kitten just wants to play, but in a very boisterious way, which alarms the rabbit, so im now having to alternate them in the garden, does anyone know of a solution to this problem as i would like to be able to have them both out and not have to worry. Will they ever become friends and be safe together?Can an outdoor rabbit and kitten become friends?
i have two cats and two rabbits and they are mature and run round the garden together.

most of the time the cats are sleeping and the rabbits chase them.Can an outdoor rabbit and kitten become friends?
yes, but sleepovers aren't encouraged.
Stranger things have happened in the animal world. Can you let them be together for brief, supervised periods of time? They may learn to get along and play together, but until you're comfortable with them don't leave them unsupervised.
I heard something similar concern you have listening to a pet show radio and the pet expert said something like how about all three of you spend some time in the garden and create a comfortable setting or environment for both rabbit and kitten to get used to sharing outside the garden at the same time. you can always try that...because what other ways can be done? I think they have to learn to get along themselves but having you be there with your presence might very well help.
In a word,no rabbits are on the natural prey list of felines and this is imprinted in both rabbit and feline genes.
My rabbit and my one cat are the best of friends. They run around the house together and at night, my cat will sleep on top of the bunny's cage.

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