Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What are the first signs of rabbit pregnancy?

i have a female rabbit that my friend and i mated last moday (8 days ago) and i was just woundering when will i see a change in her behavior/body.What are the first signs of rabbit pregnancy?
she will start pulling her fur out , and she will make a nest

it will usally be a pile of whatever you use, like a big pile or straw and sawdust, and she will put her fur on it, or next to it.

you cant move the nest, clean around it.

if you move it, she will pull more fur out, and make it again.

she may also get aggresive when you go near it or even near her, it depends how strong a bond you have with her.What are the first signs of rabbit pregnancy?
Rabbits are unlike dogs and cats and you wont see a physical change in them.

11-14 days after breeding an experience breeder or vet can palpate (feel the rabbits stomach) and feel if there are babies, however this isn't always accurate and should not be done alone by someone without experience because you can injure the babies.

14 days - you can try to perform a test breeding. The theory is that if the doe is pregnant that she will not accept the bucks breeding, though some does will accept the breeding anyway or may not want to breed even if they aren't pregnant

About a week before being due, the doe may begin to carry hay around in her mouth to build a nest

24-48 hours before - this is when most does will begin to pull hair. Though rarely does will pull hair sooner.

Even if you see these behaviors there is still a chance she is having a false pregnancy. The only sure way to know with rabbits is to wait and see =] Remember to put in a nest box on day 28 and you should see babies by day 31.

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