I am wanting to make my rabbit house bound and have just started to toilet train him. So far it is going alright but he is just confined to the one room. Does anyone have any success stories or helpful hints with toilet training a rabbit?Does anyone have any success stories with toliet training a rabbit?
I've written a small article on toilet training bunns -
http://au.geocities.com/leaswebsite/bunn鈥?/a> -
Yes, rabbits can be toilet-trained 鈥?whether in his hutch, or free in your home, you鈥檒l notice that your bunny usually pees in the same corner. So, get a flat tray - we cover Pookie鈥檚 litter tray with a couple of pages of newspaper and more wood shavings - and put the tray directly where he鈥檚 peeing. He then begins to associate the tray as the toilet. (Just a word of warning - NEVER use mineral cat litter, because if a rabbit ingests this, it can swell in his stomach and he will die. Much better are wood shavings or shredded paper.) The trick is really to put the tray where you observe him peeing, rather than try to get him to go wherever you place the tray 鈥?that will not succeed! He will eventually associate the tray with pooping as well, but this is relative to the individual bunny 鈥?some bunnies are easier to toilet train than others, and you must remember that, from a rabbit鈥檚 point of view, depositing a small pile of droppings, and their regular corners where they pee also, reassures your bunny that this is his territory, and that no other pesky renegade rabbits are going to try and claim it as theirs. Anyway, bunnies鈥?pellet-like poop isn鈥檛 very offensive, and is easy to sweep up! You can gather up the pellets which bunny deposits around the room, and place them on his litter tray - this will encourage him to recognise the tray as the place to deposit them in future. But rabbits can indeed be toilet trained because, to reiterate, they like to go in the one place 鈥?so when you find the place that they like to go, that is where you place the tray, and they will learn to associate the tray with their toilet. If they鈥檙e also peeing in a different spot, especially in a large enclosure or a big room, you simply place another, second tray in that new spot too - so bunny may have two trays, in a larger enclosure or room.
All quote from -
Here's another great Yahoo Answer too -
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;鈥?/a>Does anyone have any success stories with toliet training a rabbit?
Rabbits are suprisingly easy to housetrain. Get a litter box and place it in a corner of his room, the one that he chooses to go in. Put some of his droppings in the litter box. The best litter is paper based, like Yesterdays News. If the rabbit chooses a different corner, keep moving the litter box untill he starts using it. It shouldnt take long at all. I would suggest getting him fixed, as this helps with the housetraining a great deal. They will consistantly pee in the litter box, but you will still find little poos around, as this is just their way of marking their territory. You wont have a lot of them though, they will deposit most of them in the litter box. Congrats on your new house rabbit. It always makes me happy to hear that people want house rabbits as apposed to caged rabbits. They need the exercise and the social aspects of their freedom so much! Good luck with him, and be patient! Hope this helps.
Hi although I bred %26amp; showed rabbits for a number of year I never really got into the house rabbit but there is a society dedicated just to the house rabbit %26amp; this is the link to there site where I am sure you will b able to talk to other people about all house rabbit topics...good luck with the bunny...Regards Jake..
House Rabbit Society http://www.rabbit.org/
we have 4 an they have a liter box in their pins put it in the corner they mostly use put one outside the cage where you see they go most i use pine bedding for litter they got they hang of it within a couple weeks
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